31 Mar 2015

The Truth About CrossFit

Open Workout 15.5 (scaled)
Calorie Rows + Thrusters 20kg  
27-21-15-9 reps for time

It's been a little over a year since I started CrossFit. I am one of the converted who now loves it, but I thought I'd share some real truths about the sport. 

1. It's All Mental
Coming into CrossFit I thought it was all about making muscles and becoming stronger .... It is. But the greatest challenge is the mental side of it. The actual workouts aren't that long, usually anything between 10-20 minutes. Sure there's a few challenging movements but you think to yourself, 'Yeh I can do this, I can keep up'. Then a few minutes (or seconds) into the work out and you're having doubts. Your body wants to stop already. For me its telling myself to keep going when I hit that point, or not letting the fear of pain, failure or doubt stop me from performing. 

2. It's Not Glamourous
Sure you'll start to see tone and definition as your body becomes stronger, but one thing I didn't realise is, achieving this comes at a price. Practicing moves takes it toll on your body. There are the shin grazes, collar bone bruises, rope burns and my favourite ... hand calluses. Then there's the risk of serious injury if you're not careful, and completing the moves with proper form.

3. It's Not Cheap
CrossFit is one of the most expensive fitness past times going at the moment. I go four times a week because if I didn't, it wouldn't be worth the money I pay for it. Why is it so expensive? My opinion, cause its still very new. But respecting all competition sports, you do pay a little more to play in competition environments. Thinking back when I played in basketball comps, it wasn't cheap. With fees for individual registration, team registration, court fees and uniforms.

4. You're Always Sore
CrossFit is a form of HIIT (high intensity interval training) so you're doing movements which shoots your heart rate levels really high, for a short period of time. It involves various cardio, weight lifting, and gymnastics type of movements. No two workouts are the ever the same, (except the prescribed bench mark workouts) so you're body is always in shock, always tested and unfortunately usually always sore.

It seems all I discussed were the negatives, so what do I enjoy about CrossFit? 

Changed My Body Image Perception
Prior to CrossFit I was obsessed with a number on the scales. All I cared about was losing the X number of kilos I put on when I was pregnant. Now, I don't care. I don't even get on the scales. I now understand and appreciate muscle mass, therefore the numbers on the scales are just a guide for me, instead of being my compass. I'm no longer wanting to be thinner, I want to be stronger. I am now drawn to a different body physic which, you can't achieve without carrying on some weight.

Learning New Skills
There are an array of movements in CrossFit and for me, it's going to take time to be able to even do them all. That's what I love about it. I don't know how to do everything yet, so there's so much to learn and to develop from, so its never boring and always challenging. I just want to practice and learn the skills as much as possible. The upside to it is at the same time I'm either losing weight, building up strength and or toning my body. I don't focus on the exercise component anymore, to me its just a bonus to the skills I'm learning. I'm actually a little disappointed when the WOD (work out of the day) is mostly cardio based.

Best Shape Ever
I've never seen my body transformed like this before. Sure I'm no where near '5% body fat and all muscle', but I have some muscle mass now compared to never having so previously. I touch my arms all the time cause I'm amazed by the muscle I can feel there now. Sure I've been thinner before, but I've never been this strong. I see some muscle tone on my back, I've never seen my deltoids and traps before, my quads are bigger and I don't mind. My core is stronger with little abs appearing, even when I brush my teeth my little biceps wants to say hi!

Good Vibes Only
Like I've mentioned, CrossFit is actually mostly mental. The same mental skills and emotions you battle at the box is easily applicable in life. Being a parent, a stay at home mum, living in this day and age where everything is instantly accessible, its so easy to let things around you affect you. The mental place I need to be when I do CrossFit I also channel outside the box. I know when to shut down thoughts of fear and doubt, as well as be more positive and optimistic about situations.

I've said previously anyone can do CrossFit and I still believe that now but, I probably wouldn't suggest CrossFit if you've done no form of exercise for awhile. The workouts are a shock to your body so you may end up having a poor experience - but you may be the exception and enjoy the pain. CrossFit is also fitting if you're naturally competitive, or have, or currently doing some form of sport. You will enjoy the competitive component of the sport. They say in CrossFit you're really competing against yourself, and you are. You want to beat your previous personal best or time, and or complete more reps unbroken. 

So I guess you're keen to see some before and after photos of me. Ha! I'm not going to share any on here, and admittedly I didn't take many photos of myself when I first started doing CrossFit. I wish I took some measurements of myself when I started, cause I don't know how many inches I've lost in various parts of my body. I have lost 9 kilos though and I'm pretty proud of that.

I just finished competing in my first CrossFit Opens and I'll share my experience and how I went in that in a future post.

If you'd like to know more or have any questions feel free to pop me an email, I'm more than happy to any questions you may have about CrossFit or more about my personal experience.

Linking up with Jess

20 Mar 2015

Spa Party Themed Party

Miss L knew exactly how she wanted to celebrate her 8th birthday. A Spa Party was fitting because she wanted to share her special day with her closest friends, doing fun girly things girls love to do. 

Each little girl got a robe to wear once they arrived. Pink lemonade in lit up cocktail glasses, strawberries, watermelon and fairy bread were served while waiting for all Miss L's little guests to arrive.

Once they were all there the girls were pampered with a spa pedicures, chocolate facials and a bit of makeup on each of them. Treatments were given by Miss L's mum and a friend helped with applying make up on the girls.

For the menu chicken nuggets, sausage rolls, party pies, french fries and mini burgers were served. 

At the end of the day each girl's got a bag to take home which included their robe, headband, towels, lip smackers, their cocktail glass and a cupcake.
Vendor and party details:
  • Foot spas: borrowed from various family and friends
  • Ikea: plastic bowls, mirrors, face towels, hand towels and bath towels  
  • Abcoe: cutlery, napkins, plates and light up cocktail glasses 
  • Local party novelty shop: milk bottles, straws, pom poms and other decorations
  • Girl's robes: made by a family member of Miss L's 
  • Cake: made by a family member
  • Alaroch: glitter number 8
If you would like to share and submit a past party you've hosted get in contact! Email me on gen.y.mum@gmail.com would love to feature your event on here! 

13 Mar 2015

Diner en Blanc Themed Baby Shower

A few weeks ago it was my sister in law's baby shower. She doesn't have any sisters, so my sister and I took it upon ourselves to plan her baby shower for her.

A few months prior we were thinking about what theme the baby shower would be, then it dawned on me ... "Why does it have to be all cutesy and all about the baby already?" When you become a parent, everything you from that point forward is about your children. Once the baby arrives there will be so many years of upcoming cutesy parties to throw, this should be a celebration of her. Her last hurrah! before her life completely changes, so cutesy was out the door and chic and celebration was in.

A remember seeing a photo from Blake Lively's baby shower. Words that sprung to my mind when I saw it were; celebration, love, sisterhood, rustic and life. I thought that's the kind of vibe my sister in law's baby shower should have. Roughly at the same time the annual Dine en Blanc dinner was held, and I was drawn to the all white theme the party is renown for. So I merged these two ideas together and an All White baby shower theme was set in motion.

The day was as beautiful as I imaged, and was one of the easiest parties I've organised to date. I think its all got to do with the people who helped me on the day. There's my sister who knows I'm particular, especially when it comes to how I do things, and I've been lucky to have a few friends who always offer to help, and knows how I operate too, so we all work so well now. I also lured some unexpectant friends of the mother to be to help on the day.

All the women wore white, except the mother to be - she can wear what she wants. There was white everywhere from the table clothes, serving trays, flowers, balloons, even the marquee was white.

Note: Apologies about the photo quality. I think someone must've changed the camera settings.

Vendor and party information:
  • Communicakeit : custom 'Baby Johns' cake topper. 
  • Cake'n'Pop : Snickers flavoured cake.
  • Balloon Elegance : 3 mega balloons with tassel decorations.
  • Pretty Up! : 10 floral mason jar centre pieces. 
  • Loomas: array of sweets and baguettes  
  • Other food: pasta, rocket and quinoa salads that various people made, father in laws famous deep fried lemon chicken, chicken skewers purchased from Coles, antipasto platter, arancini balls, and many guests decided to bring a plate of food on the day too.
  • I asked all my girlfriends to keep any glass jars they may come across several weeks in advance. I collected them and used as drinking cups on the day and used some to keep fresh flowers.
  • Drink dispenser : for fresh home made lemonaid and ice tea which, I borrowed from a friend.
  • Marquee : belonged to my in laws and proven to come handy over the years. 
  • Tables: we borrowed from people but I also purchased two bi-fold tables from Bunnings. 
  • Invitation : was created by my sister, copying an invite we liked on Pinterest and printing them onto 6x4 photo prints through Kmart's printing services.
  • White table covers: Kmart
  • Straws: local novelty party shop 
  • Tags: local novelty party shop 
If you would like to share and submit a past party you've hosted get in contact! Email me on gen.y.mum@gmail.com would love to feature your event on here! 

10 Mar 2015

5 Ways I'm Winning at Parenting

There are some days ... ok most days, I wonder how I fair as a parent. Especially as my boys grow, they present me, us with new challenges. They're no longer that small infant who did cute things, they're talking back toddlers who will do the opposite of what you say to get a reaction from you.

Despite all this, there are a few simple tasks that, when completed, gives me confidence I'm doing okay at this parenting thing. 

1. When the boys have their naps
Kai who is currently 17 months, still has two naps a day. Eli is 3.5 years old still has one nap a day. I'm pretty proud of that and makes me feel like I'm winning at being a parent. The naps play a big part in how they are for the rest of the day too. When they don't get their naps expect lots of fighting and sooking .... and the boys get upset too. Kai gets tired and cranky when he hasn't had enough rest for the day, and Eli gets ferrel in the evening if he didn't get his.

2. When the boys finish their meals
When either son finishes their whole plate of food, I feel like I'm winning at parenting. Having kids with allergies, the meal process is already difficult as you have to make sure their meals are safe but also healthy, delicious and nutritious. So when you give them something that meets all those requirements, and they eat it all up, I'm pretty stoked. Cause tomorrow I know they won't want it anymore. 

3. When I have conversations with Eli
My son amazes me with his ability to interact with adults and other children. He's not shy, he speaks up, and he's just so confident. I feel pretty proud when he's able to start and hold a conversation with an adult, I guess we're doing something right. But I really couldn't take credit for it, cause it's all him. Even this morning while I was in the bathroom I heard Eli come into our room and was looking for Ian and says to him, "Why did you disappear from my room?" (Ian fell asleep in bed with him hours prior while he was reading him a book.) I'm surprised to hear a three year old use such descriptive word.

4. The boys adore their extended family members
I use to wonder whether being at home with my kids all the time, I could be shooting myself in the foot, because they might be too dependent on me too much. But I think it has had the opposite affect. When my boys see or spend time with other people they soak it in. They love being around other people who love them. Seeing Eli cry for my parents, or ask for his aunty when she has quietly left during his nap, or miss his aunty and uncle who are overseas, asking me to skype with them, is heart warming. It actually puts my mind at ease that they're so comfortable with loved ones. 

5. When the boys are laughing
As a parent of two boys I spend a lot of time defusing ... minor fights. Mostly over ownership of objects. So when you hear them laughing together, as a pose to one laughing at the other, its beautiful, even if it only lasts for three minutes. 

What every day scenarios makes you feel like you're winning at parenting? 

Linking up with Jess

6 Mar 2015

Hot Air Balloon Themed Party

Miss S had a hot air balloon themed 1st birthday party. Her mum really love the movie "Up" and wanted to incorporate the multi coloured hot air balloon for her daughter's birthday party. The main colours she used were pink, yellow & green. 

Miss S' mum designed the invitation, thank you tags & made the bunting. She also made Miss S' outfit which was a simple onesie, iron on cupcake and the number "1". The tutu & bow with tulle was purchased from Spotlight. She also made a thumb print guestbook for guests to sign their name. 

Overall it was a fun day out in the sun as the children got to take advantage of the water park that were accessible at the park.

Party & Vendor Details
Spotlight: Miss S' DIY outfit
Discount Party Warehouse: For party supplies
Dr Professor Lollies: Sweets and lollies
Ma'Cakes: Themed cupcakes

If you would like to share and submit a past party you've hosted get in contact! Email me on gen.y.mum@gmail.com would love to feature your event on here! 

3 Mar 2015

February In Review

31 Jan: I know it was in January but it missed last month's review. Last month was my sister's birthday. We celebrated it by having lunch at one of our favourite restaurants, Fratelli Fresh at Alexandria. I don't crave Italian food very often, so when I have it I hate to be disappointed. Fratelli delivers every time, the food is always fresh and delicious. They're also pretty generous with their servings. Usually when doing a banquet menu the restaurant provides enough food so each person attending gets a piece, but at Fratelli they give so much that you can have second or third portions. 

4 Feb: I returned back to casual work. 

7 Feb: Went to Wet'n'Wild in Sydney. We went for a friend's 31st birthday. It was a fun day for the kids and an experience for us adults. I haven't been to a theme park in ... years, well not since I became a mother. It sure is a different experience now. You become the designated bag minder and you become familiar with where all the toilets are in the park because those are the only queues you join. It was still a lot of fun and fortunately for us it was a little overcast (but humid) so the park wasn't as packed as people have described it to be. 

14 Feb: Valentines Day is celebrated differently once you have children. We headed into town and tried Neil Perry's Burger Project. It has gotten mixed reviews since it opened, even Ian and I disagreed on opinions. I personally loved it. It's now one of my favourite spots for a burger in Sydney. I rate it higher than Tuckshop but not as good as Mary's ... just saying. 

27 Feb: The 2015 CrossFit Opens started. The Opens is the first step in competing in the CrossFit games. Every week for 5 weeks a workout is specified, and you have 96 hours to complete the workout and submit your score online. The first week's workout wasn't too bad, however I am doing the scaled option, which gives people who can't do all the moves an alternative movement option, and or a lighter weight to complete the workout in. 

28 Feb: My sister in law's baby shower. The theme was Diner en Blanc or All White. It was a great day feasting and sharing with some amazing and hilarious women. I will share more information and photos in a future post. 

Linking up with Jess
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