1 Jan 2013

2013 New Year's Resolutions

I don't know about you but I like to write down New Year's Resolutions. I like to make them for a number of reasons:

  • I like giving myself new challenges or goals to achieve. 
  • Making them at the beginning of the year sets the boundaries or time frame of when I will aim to achieve my resolutions.  
  • Physically writing down my goals is a reminder to myself. By putting it out there for me to visually see regularly, I'm making myself accountable. Subconsciously motivating me to achieve these goals. 
So what were my resolutions 12 months ago and if I did a PIR (post implementation review .. project terminology and process conducted after IT projects have been completed) on these goals what would be my assessment?

[X] Be Fitter Than I was 14 Months Ago
Somewhat achieved. The first 10 months of 2012 I was pretty dedicated to exercising. I was more religious and disciplined than I thought I could be. I was actually a lot more stronger and felt my reflexes had improved. You hear personal trainers talk about how exercise (and diet) is a life style change .... I got that, as in I understood what that finally meant. I didn't find exercising a chore or something I should do but I felt it was a daily task that was part of my life. I didn't second guess doing it anymore, I just did it. I was doing P90X / P90X2 every morning then either running at lunch or playing ball in the evenings. Then in October we moved and the change in environment impacted my routine. I was tired more resulting in being lazier about exercising and even more lazier about dieting. After a long day I'm too exhausted and hungry to cook something healthy. Most week nights I was up later catching up on home chores making me still tired to get up early in the mornings to work out.

But this year I want to revert back to my work out routine and incorporate a eating plan. The reasons why I failed to achieve better results was due to my diet. I didn't plan what I ate and sugar is my kryptonite.

[X] Be Available to Family More
Having Eli definitely has bought us closer to our families. He brings us all a lot of joy and sharing more experiences together. I love having a growing extended family. 

[X] Find a Home for My Family

[X] Clarity in my Career Path
Achieved. I know when I'm ready to start working again what I want to do next and what I've out grown. Next step would be doing some training to make it happen.

[X] Go on an Overseas Family Holiday
Does my current vaccay to QLD count? I'd still consider this resolution achieved because I did go on my dream European holiday this year although not as a family. I was able to visit London, Paris, Florence, Rome, Crete and Santorini. I'm still to complete the detailed posts for the last few cities we visited. 

[X] Blog as Much as Possible
Achieved. I've even publicly started sharing it with people.

[ ] Learn Something New
How did I miss this one? I don't think I've learnt anything new. Does blindly navigating through motherhood and learning what does or doesn't work count? 

[ ] Pursue My Own Business
Still figuring this out.

[X] Give Back to Australian Charities
I've put my hand up and volunteered for a few charities this year and a registered blood donor. Admittedly I'm not regularly contributing to a charity. I'm yet to find one I'm passionate and completely interested about. If anything I've been reading a lot about the unspoken violence against women in India.

So what are my 2013 New Year's Resolutions? This year I want to challenge the following areas in my life:
  • Change my eating habits. Eat healthier and minimise sugar intake. Minimise eating pre-packaged/pre-made foods and learn to cook basic stuff from scratch
  • Tone my temple
  • Study appropriate course for my next career move
  • Take up a new hobby that I will continue to do post learning how to do it
  • To not be not afraid to take more chances
  • Seriously document and speak to someone about my patent idea
  • Really understand Eli's allergies and get him eating more 
  • Plan for Baby #2
  • Stop over analysing and just be me

I think that's plenty for 2013 and will be a challenge to achieve some of those goals.

Do you make new year's resolutions? Care to share?
Are you good at sticking to them?
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