22 May 2013

20 Weeks

That's 5 months pregnant now. I've gotten interesting feedback from non parented or pregnant women saying we pregnant women need to stop using "pregnancy lingo" and just use number of months and weeks to make it easier for them to calculate and appreciate how far we are.  

No photos taken today unfortunately, but in the interest of making this post interesting I'll post up some photos I've found of me when I was pregnant with Eli. They've never been seen by anyone (except Ian of course) and once this phase of my life is over I doubt these photos would see the light of day.

Here are photos of me during my first pregnancy. Unfortunately the dates of when these photos were originally taken have been over ridden so I'm not sure how far I am at each photo.

  • Was able to get myself on the Case Load Midwife Program the hospital I will be delivering at offers. Basically it's when a dedicated midwife is assigned to look after you throughout your whole pregnancy process. A friend who completed the program told me about it and I thought it was a great alternative for those who are looking for a private care experience without the cost associated with one. One of major complains of the public maternity system is getting some random midwife at each antenatal appointment. The benefit of this program is a dedicated midwife is allocated to look after you. They complete all your check up's, review your results, will be present at your delivery (unless unable to attend for some reason) and will complete regular home visits post delivery. You have their mobile number and call them if you have any questions or concerns and you call them when you think its time to go into the hospital to give birth, instead of the maternity ward. It's a more personal approach and its like getting your own doctor in my opinion. I met my midwife this week, she's lovely and was totally unfazed by Eli running a muck in her office that morning. 
  • Varicose vein. First time I did experience this and again I've noticed these unsightly blue lines have appeared. Positive, they've appeared in the same spot at least I'm not getting them in new places. Negative, feeling some pain and tingling sensations around the area. Some women do experience varicose veins during pregnancy because the additional hormone progesterone, is causing the blood vessels in our bodies to relax. However while we're pregnant there is additional blood circulating in our body therefore putting a lot of pressure on our major veins to pump blood back to our heart. Unfortunately I probably have to live with the uncomfortableness during my pregnancy because its not recommended to do anything while I am pregnant and it usually clears up after birth, which did happen first time around.    
  • So much bigger than my first pregnancy. Other mum's of 2+ kids have comforted me in saying that it's totally normal and they experienced the same thing. Its just playing on my body image demons. I worry about how big I may get and how hard would it be to lose it all. I was still 6kg off my pre pregnancy weight before I became pregnant again, so I never got back to my original weight first time around.   

  • When asking the kuya-to-be whether he wants a baby boy or girl his response is now "Boy!" Wow he changes his mind as often as mum does.
  • Names. At this point we don't know the gender yet but we're starting to think of names we would consider. I think I've got hubby agreeing to one of my names. I'm sure it'll still be a bit of a heated discussion up until game day. 

20 May 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Two weekends ago was Mother's Day. I wanted to write a post on my Mother's Day cause I found photos from last year's MD and wished I wrote a post about it so this year want to make the effort. 

This year again I was spoilt. Ian was asking weeks leading up to Mother's Day what I wanted or what I wanted to do. I seriously didn't want anything nor did I really want to do anything in particular.

Being four and a half months pregnant at the time I guess my stomach (cravings) tends to make decision for me. So I said I'd love to have a nice breakfast cause most mornings I have a piece of toast or a smoothie.

Sunday morning we headed over to Surry Hills to a highly reviewed cafe called Reuben Hills. The menu wasn't extensive but each item sounded delicious and interesting making the decision what to have really hard. We opted for three meals between the two of us and surprisingly we demolished each item. We had the not reuben wagyu salt brisket, pickled slaw, manchego & horseradish cream on rye, soft baked eggs with jamon, spinach, ranchero & rye and the tradesmans brioche eggs, jamon, avo & relish. My personal fave was the not reuben brisket sanga ... yum! We also shared a salted caramel milkshake between us and the dog's breakfast dessert afterwards.

 The Not Reuben

 The Tadesmans Brioche

 Salted Caramel Milkshake

Dog's Breakfast

After breakfast we headed into town for a spot of shopping. At present I've got a love hate relationship with shopping. I love to shop but hate buying maternity wear. I still have the maternity wear I had first time around, although I didn't buy heaps, but a lot of my existing mat wear is work wear. During my last pregnancy I don't recall venturing out much, I think I was just tired a lot or felt too lazy to want to see people so I didn't have a lot of casual wear. I just wore clothing next sizes up so I just borrowed my sister's old clothes they had sitting at mum and dad's place, which I don't have access to this time around or wore Ian's pants and shirts when I was at home. 

This time around I'm growing a lot bigger a lot quicker. I need to buy appropriate clothing cause I'm busting out the seams of my current wardrobe but I feel yuck when I try on clothes with this bump in front of me. So long story short I need bigger clothing but hating trying on clothing right now cause it's uncomfortable for me.
You really do feel the importance of Mother's Day when you are one. We always celebrated MD in our household and we always wanted to make the day special for my mum. But as a Mother now I really do realise and appreciate the everyday, selfless act my Mother has done for our family growing up even now.

Belated Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's and to be in the near or distance future.  

14 May 2013


I'm one of those people who sometimes suffers from 'the grass is always greener' syndrome. I'm sure it stems from a manifestations of my insecurities growing up of wanting to be liked, strict up bringing and being told to hold high expectations in life. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't be the person I am today without those experiences and beliefs but a recent conversation with a friend got me feeling a little envious of her carefree life.

But last night as I thought about events that has occurred these past several years I realised my life trumps pretty well too. Every year I'm blessed with something I never thought was coming my way and at that moment I was humbled and grateful for my pretty amazing life.  

Since getting married in 2009 I've gone on an unforgettable holiday with friends in 2010. In 2011 we welcomed our first child, 2012 hubby and I went on an amazing holiday through Europe and this year we're welcoming our second child. These were just key milestones that popped up in my head but I know I've been blessed far more greatly then I care to give myself credit for.

"Thank you Lord for all you've done for Ian, Eli, bub and I and for all you're yet to do, as your answer is always Yes and Amen." 


6 May 2013

18 Weeks

  • Nuchal translucency scan. Almost missed this scan, as the window of opportunity to check for this is between 11-14 weeks and I got it done four days before my 14th week. Received results indicating a low risk, so we were very relived. I was beginning to have doubts cause of the few weeks prior to finding out I was pregnant I wasn't being completely good to my temple.
  • My tummy has popped and harden a lot earlier this time around too. I already feel like I'm 7 months pregnant when I'm sitting under a table cause I can already feel that my tummy bump is in the way. That feeling came a lot later for me first time around but here it is, saying hi, making my current wardrobe very uncomfortable already. Hopefully that means bub is a lot bigger than Eli, but not too big please.  
  • Tired. Maybe it's because the baby is growing and unlike the first time I didn't have an infant to run after. I find I have waves of exhaustion. The insomnia at night doesn't help either.  
  • Heart burn. Already?! Hate it with a passion! All the symptoms I experienced in the last few weeks of my first pregnancy I'm experiencing them so much earlier this time. I've been trying to follow the tips I found online to avoid heart burn during pregnancy. 
  • Kicks. Last week I was able to let Ian feel one of bub's kicks. Its true what they say after your first pregnancy you tend to feel your baby a lot earlier at your consecutive pregnancies. I felt the little flutters around 14 weeks and now I feel my whole tummy jerk from bub's kicks. 
  • Emotional and sensitive. I get teary watching The Voice auditions, easily offended by other people's comments and actions (especially if its unsavoury towards me) and a total mess when I take out my frustrations on my family. I've wondered in fear how I'm going to get through this and felt apprehensiveness of whether I am strong enough to nurture my family.   

  • Asked the kuya-to-be whether he wants mummy to have a boy or a girl? He replies with "GURL ... Yeehhaahh!" We'll try get it for you little man.
  • Where to call home. We've been talking and looked into moving homes. Why? This place isn't our home. Never purchased it for that reason and because you know its not it just doesn't feel whole. Just difficult to make it happen with one income at the moment and Sydney home prices .... unbelievable and unpredictable.   
  • Where to stay in Hawaii. Yep family babymoon holiday booked for Hawaii in July, but didn't realise it's peak period at that time so hotels are very expensive. And the taxes in Hawaii, are they just making that stuff up? This may be one of the more expensive holidays we'll ever go on but at the same time I can't wait!  

I'd really like to be doing these progress shots and updates more frequently but Eli is starting to hate posing for the camera now. 
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