14 May 2013


I'm one of those people who sometimes suffers from 'the grass is always greener' syndrome. I'm sure it stems from a manifestations of my insecurities growing up of wanting to be liked, strict up bringing and being told to hold high expectations in life. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't be the person I am today without those experiences and beliefs but a recent conversation with a friend got me feeling a little envious of her carefree life.

But last night as I thought about events that has occurred these past several years I realised my life trumps pretty well too. Every year I'm blessed with something I never thought was coming my way and at that moment I was humbled and grateful for my pretty amazing life.  

Since getting married in 2009 I've gone on an unforgettable holiday with friends in 2010. In 2011 we welcomed our first child, 2012 hubby and I went on an amazing holiday through Europe and this year we're welcoming our second child. These were just key milestones that popped up in my head but I know I've been blessed far more greatly then I care to give myself credit for.

"Thank you Lord for all you've done for Ian, Eli, bub and I and for all you're yet to do, as your answer is always Yes and Amen." 

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