6 Jun 2013

The Big Reveal

Today was our 22 week scan that meant today was the day we got to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl. We knew we wanted to know, I don't do surprises.

I'm proud to announce Eli was right, we are having a .... Boy!! 

The scan examination took forever. At this scan they usually measure all different parts of the baby just to make sure there are ten toes and fingers, all key organs are there and looks to be functioning and our sonographer said everything looks perfectly healthy. She didn't ask us if we wanted to know the gender, we actually asked her to check and let us know.

She scanned across to where she needed to be and asked us both what we thought we were having. Ian replied with "A girl", I said "A boy", she said "Mum knows best, you're having a boy." She pointed out a section and said "That's his penis." 

We really didn't mind the outcome but of course one of the opposite of what you have at home would be lovely. Regardless, we're very blessed with another healthy baby boy.

Another man to love. I didn't think I could fall in love with so many men or be surround by so many men later on in life. I've always had my mum and sisters. I'm looking forward to lots of sports, smelly bedrooms, cooking for big appetites and being the only female in my home.

Although this recent news has opened Ian to a possible third child. I'm keen but we did have an agreement that the third child, if another boy would have my maiden name as his surname. My dad was the last boy to have his surname and he had all girls.

We look forward to properly meeting you little man. Your kuya has been dying for a playmate.
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