11 Dec 2014

Be Proud

So last week I finally created a Facebook page for my blog. You can see it here and feel free to give it a big thumbs up and Like my page!

I've been avoiding setting it up for awhile for a number of reasons. Mostly because I'm shy, afraid of what people will think and fear of being discovered. What I mean about being discovered is, although I know my blog is not private, and I actually do share personal things on here, (like not thinking of using pseudo names for my kids) -  I don't actually "advertise" my blog out to people. I don't post anything about my blog on my own personal Facebook account and I have a separate instagram account for this blog too.  I actually don't talk about my blog unless someone brings it up and admittedly I get a little shy about it ... Weird I know, cause I'm sharing so much to people I don't even know. 

I remember reading a post from another blogger who wrote how they over came their fear of sharing their blog to others, was when they realised they were proud of their blog. And when you're proud of something you can't help but tell others about it - I like that and I am proud of this little space. 

I get asked by friends what my grand plan is with this blog. It was always just a place to document my experiences, thoughts and life as a new mum. I have thoughts of doing more, and I try to invest as much time into it as I possibly can, but the answer is I really don't know? I have no idea where this blog is headed, but I know I am proud of it. 

So that's why I decided to finally create my blog page. If I'm going to continue to blog and be open to where ever it may take me, I want to put 100% effort into it. And in the social media space that includes covering key platforms such as Facebook. 

Thank you for the encouragement, the follow and the feedback. I love hearing it all! You guys make me blush, you guys inspire me and a make the late nights writing content worth it! 
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