I like planning parties. I like planning.
What I love about parties is executing ideas that you have, cause really that's a core component of a party - an idea, a concept. Sometimes we need inspiration, or need to know where or who can help us with our ideas, or just information on how to do things.
I also love sharing information with people. If you couldn't already tell by this blog, I'm not shy to share my knowledge of things I know or experienced, or my "brain farts". So this blog is going to start, and regularly share past party ideas.
I've got some amazing friends who have agreed to allow me to share photos and info about parties they've hosted and slowly I'll be sharing them with you.
I can't wait!
If you would like to share your party details and photos on this blog, or have any questions about doing so, please email me on gen.y.mum@gmail.com
Linking up with Sonia for this weekend rewind
Linking up with Sonia for this weekend rewind