30 May 2015

Ascott Makati

During some of our time in Manila we stayed at The Ascott, a serviced apartment at Makati. What we loved about this accommodation is that it was a an apartment which had a full kitchen to cook our own meal and a washer and drier to do laundry - a requirement for any family who travels overseas. Here's a list of the pro's and con's I identified with staying at The Ascott. 

27 May 2015

Traveling on a Plane with 2 Kids Under 4

I've been asked how was our experience traveling on a plane with two kids under four.

Firstly, I expected the worst. I say keep your expectations on how the flight will be low, so anything above that is a great experience. I say this because our very first plane ride with one child, wasn't the best, so since then I've learnt to be prepared to expect the worst.

22 May 2015

I'm Back!

We've returned from our holiday to the Philippines. That's the reason why this blog has lacked any activity the past few weeks. Kudos to those bloggers who post during personal holidays, although I'm sure most of those posts have been planned, written, and scheduled weeks before their trip (I envy their commitment). However if you've been following me on my instagram account (@genymum) you'd see I've been pretty busy posting on there. 

9 May 2015

Mermaid Theme Birthday Party

A mermaid theme party was held for a special little girl who turned 5.

Miss M's mum created a magical drinking station and dessert table which included themed cookies, cupcakes, bubble gum flavoured macarons, personalised chocolates and two cakes.

Party Vendors & Details:Cake Topper: Creative Signs Unlimited
Balloons: Spotlight
Tulle skirts: eBay
Personalised chocolate wrappers, bottle tags, bonbonieres tags: Etsy
Cake coconut flavoured cake: Amor's Creations
Strawberry themed cake: Amor's Creations
Mermaid cookies: Amor's Creations
Bonbonieres were sets of mirrors and combs

If you would like to share and submit a past party you've hosted get in contact! Email me on gen.y.mum@gmail.com would love to feature your event on here!

Linking up with Sonia

1 May 2015

April in Review

1 Apr: We were all encouraged to make hats at home with our children to bring in for the Easter Hat Parade. Ian spent 3.5 hours making this little number due to leaving it at the last minute and no planning. It's actually difficult to create a circle of the circumference of a person's head, even after you measure it. Remember in year 9 maths when you were learning all about Pi (π) and wondered, 'When am I ever going to use this?' I now know when. When you're 33 years old trying to create a hat for your 3 year old son.
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