A mermaid theme party was held for a special little girl who turned 5.
Miss M's mum created a magical drinking station and dessert table which included themed cookies, cupcakes, bubble gum flavoured macarons, personalised chocolates and two cakes.
Balloons: Spotlight
Tulle skirts: eBay
Personalised chocolate wrappers, bottle tags, bonbonieres tags: Etsy
Cake coconut flavoured cake: Amor's Creations
Strawberry themed cake: Amor's Creations
Mermaid cookies: Amor's Creations
Bonbonieres were sets of mirrors and combs
If you would like to share and submit a past party you've hosted get in contact! Email me on gen.y.mum@gmail.com would love to feature your event on here!
Linking up with Sonia