19 Jun 2015

10 Photos Everyone Has Posted Online

What I love about social media is how it connects us. I love how this "connection" can be done in many different forms. There are people who are more visual that is, their preferred form of communication is through images as appose to written word. They say an image speaks a thousand words, maybe that's why we take so many photos and share it online. 

I've complied a list of ten images that we're all guilty of posting on social media, and my tongue in cheek translation for these photos.

1. The Selfie
Just in case people forgot what you looked like. It's usually taken to show off some thing about you. Outfit before you slay the club, hair did, eye brows on fleek, new lippy .. you get my drift.

2. Food
A photo of some meal you had. Usually taken either because it was beautifully presented or to just brag that you're eating here and this right now.

3. I work out
Cause everyone has to know you've burnt off that cronut you posted online yesterday.

4. Feet and shoes
It's usually an abstract shot to show case a location, taken from a view above or user's stand point. Or taken to show off some foot wear you're rocking.

5. Mirror selfie
Cause we love to look at ourselves ... twice.

6. That view
One can not simply enjoy a beautiful view, they must capture and share it with everyone else. So we can all be jealous of your #POV (point of view) right now.

7. Out with friends
(Sorry can't provide an image for this one from my own insta as I don't post images of friends since my account is public.)
So people know who your awesome crew is.

8. A table with stuff
Office stuff = I'm working
Creative stuff = I'm being creative
Food stuff = I'm cooking / baking
Messy stuff = Look at this mess .. I need to clean up

9. Something you made
So people know there's more to you than your selfies, eating out, working out and or going out. There are more layers to you, you create, bake or make stuff too.

10. Loved ones
Whether it's with your partner, kids, your nephew, your parents or your dog. We all love to show off the people we care about and love the most.

Ok maybe not everyone has posted all ten photos but a few I'm sure of it.

How many are you guilty of?

You can follow me on instagram @genymum

Linking up with Sonia
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