I know the blog has been quiet lately. Of course it's mostly due to running a new business. It's been a month since I've gone live, but like any business owner knows the hard work happens after you actually launch.
It kinda reminds me of the whole pregnancy to parenting process. There's all this preparation, organising and build up leading up to the birth - which is a big deal. The moment is one that you'll never forget, it passes, but the real work comes after .... knowing how to parent a new child. Leading up to going live with my business I was ticking off all these tasks, organising and preparing myself mentally to tackle this. Then I went live and it was like giving birth - the endorphins running through my body, riding the high of such positive and encouraging response. Two weeks later and the reality of what you need to do to actually run a business hits you ... you got to work your arse off all the time!!
Don't get me wrong I knew its wasn't going to be easy and I ready for the hard work ahead of me, but as a result I'm not blogging on here as much. Although I still have 76 draft posts that need to be finished. I guess when you're doing something you truly enjoy it naturally consumes all your time.
But just to give you all a little update on how the business is going, as I mentioned its been positive. Lots of support and encouragement from friends who've said 'this is a great idea!', referred me to other friends, and a few who've reached out, wanting to know more about how I can help them. I've had a very tempting offer, which I decided to wait until I get my foundations set before I commit to, and have already won a few clients. The part I enjoy the most is meeting other business owners and learning more about their business, listening to their passions, and how they want shake up their industry. It's so ... inspiring and motivating.
The other aspect that I'm still trying to find the balance with, is working from home and being the primary carer for my children. Sure Eli goes to childcare twice as week and we're still deciding if Kai will go after he turns two. It all depends on whether the changes to the childcare benefits the government announced back in July are implemented in the new year. I want to get stuff done but at the same time my children are wanting my attention. I've tried various ways to work and be involved with them in some form of play or learning, but at their age right now, it just doesn't work. The kids know you're not really there, I've heard Eli say, "Mum put your phone down" or you start getting annoyed cause they're interrupting your train of thought as you're writing an important email. Then I remind myself the reason why I choose not to return to the 9-5 work force, which was so someone can be with the boys, so that reminder puts things back into perspective. Obviously being present with your children impacts time to put into your business, and so there have been many long nights. But like I said when you enjoy what you're doing it doesn't feel like work. It's not tedious and you actually want to get stuck into it. There are times I wish the day was longer, or wishing I had anti-tired super powers so I can get more things done.
I've learnt so much about running a business in this short amount of time too. I've already started compiling a list of these things, (cause you know how much I love lists) which I'll share when the time is right. That's probably another component I love about meeting business owners, learning from them. Regardless of what industry they all have a story, a lesson they've learnt, or experiences to share. When you meet people who are like minded, or have a heart for their business like you do, their advice speaks to you.
So my apologies for the lack of ... presence on here, but I promise to be a little more active. If you do want to read other stuff I've written you can check out my blog on Follow Me Media here. There I share some tips and explain some of the common social media behaviours.